RdF Corporation
RdF Temperature Sensor Products: by Part Number
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RdF Product List
Here you will find an up-to-date list of RdF Temperature Sensors, sorted by part number.
Each link will take you to the data sheet describing that particular sensor.


20100 - Surface Thermocouple
20101 - Surface Thermocouple
20102 - Surface Thermocouple
20109 - Surface Thermocouple
20110 - Surface Thermocouple
20111 - Surface Thermocouple
20112 - Surface Thermocouple
20113 - Surface Thermocouple
20114 - Surface Thermocouple
20115 - Surface Thermocouple
20116 - Surface Thermocouple
20117 - Surface Thermocouple
20457 - Heat Flux Sensor
21A - Industrial RTD
21B - Industrial RTD
21C - Industrial RTD
21D - Industrial RTD
218A - Industrial RTD
218T - Industrial RTD
21700 - Aerospace
22B - Industrial RTD
22D - Industrial RTD
22314 - Industrial RTD
22391 - Surface RTD
22392 - Surface RTD
22393 - Surface RTD
22421 - Industrial RTD
22802 - Surface RTD
22810 - Surface RTD
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23A - Industrial RTD
23B - Industrial RTD
23D - Industrial RTD
23700 - Aerospace
26391 - Surface Thermocouple
26392 - Surface Thermocouple
26393 - Surface Thermocouple
26581 - Aerospace
26583 - Aerospace
26584 - Aerospace
26721 - Surface Thermocouple
26722 - Surface Thermocouple
26723 - Surface Thermocouple
26724 - Surface Thermocouple
26881 - Surface Thermocouple
26893 - Surface Thermocouple
26894 - Surface Thermocouple
26895 - Surface Thermocouple
26896 - Surface Thermocouple
27036 - Heat Flux Sensor
27131 - Heat Flux Sensor
27132 - Heat Flux Sensor
27133 - Heat Flux Sensor
27134 - Heat Flux Sensor
27160 - Heat Flux Sensor
27270 - Heat Flux Sensor
27650 - Heat Flux Sensor
27700 - Aerospace
X-2910 - Special Industrial
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29217 - Aerospace
29222 - OEM RTD Capsule
29223 - OEM RTD Capsule
29226 - OEM RTD Capsule
29227 - OEM RTD Capsule
29228 - OEM RTD Capsule
29229 - OEM RTD Capsule
29230 - Industrial RTD
29231 - OEM RTD Capsule
29232 - OEM RTD Capsule
29233 - OEM RTD Capsule
29234 - OEM RTD Capsule
29235 - OEM RTD Capsule
29364 - OEM RTD Capsule
29258 - OEM RTD Capsule
29259 - OEM RTD Capsule
29260 - OEM RTD Capsule
29280 - OEM RTD Capsule
29326 - OEM RTD Capsule
29326 - OEM RTD Capsule
29348 - OEM RTD Capsule
29362 - OEM RTD Capsule
29363 - OEM RTD Capsule
77A - Industrial Thermocouple
77B - Industrial Thermocouple
77C - Industrial Thermocouple
77D - Industrial Thermocouple
78B - Industrial Thermocouple
78D - Industrial Thermocouple

 Coming Soon
R-AIR - Aerospace
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