Part Numbers 26583-01, 26583-02 and 26584
Replacements for OEM PNs 3116132-01, 3039532 & 3022984

RdF Corporation is a manufacturer of quality temperature sensors and has been a supplier to the aerospace, nuclear and aircraft industries since 1955. RdF products are in service aboard aircraft, spacecraft; in satellites, laboratory equipment and nuclear and fossil fuel powered generating stations; on military land vehicles and surface/sub-surface sea vessels; and in a variety in industrial process plants and equipment.

This thermocouple sensor has been designed to be interchangeable with OEM part numbers on the listed PT6A-Series engines.


RdF PN 26583-01 — P&W PN 3116132-01
PT6 Series:
[-38, -40, -41, 41AG, -42, -45A, -45B, -45R, -50, -60A, -60AG, -61, -62,
-64, -65AR, -65AG, -66, -67, -67A, -67R, -67AF, -67AG] 1

[ -67B, -67D] 2

1 The applicable listed engine series have two-way interchangeability and must be fitted in a set of 10.
2 These engine series use OEM PN 3116132-01 and 3113672-01 ONLY


RdF PN 26583-02 — P&W PN 303953
This sensor can be used on the same series of engines shown above
– with the exception of the -67B and -67D.



RdF PN 26584P&W PN 3022984

PT6 Series:
-6, -20, -11, -11AG, 15AG, -110, -112, -21, -25, -25A, -25C,
-27, -28, -34, -34AG, -34B, -114, -114A, -116, -135, -135A


Insertion Lengths
P/N 26583-01 .79 Inches
P/N 26583-02 .97 Inches
P/N 26584 .91 Inches

Sensor Type
Type K (Chromel/Alumel) Thermocouple
(Special Limits of Error).

Junction Type


Temperature Range
-40° to +1800°F

Insulation Resistance
>2 Megohms @ 45 VDC

Response Time
<2 Seconds

Typical Thermal Capacitance
0.02 BTU/(ft2•°F)

_ RdF PN 26583-01 _ RdF PN 26583-02 _ RdF PN 26584 _
OEM PN 3116132-01  OEM PN 3039532  OEM PN 3022984
3113672-01  3037287  3022983
   3104585-01  3020134
   3116133-01  3034389